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Sunday, February 09, 2025

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City of San Fernando


January 31

Pedro Abad Santos Day

Pedro Abad Santos (31 January 1876 – 15 January 1945) was a Filipinopolitician. He founded the Partido Sosyalista ng Pilipinas (PSP) of Philippine Socialist Party in 1929. He ran for several local elections but never won. Luis Taruc of the Hukbalahap Rebellion was under his tutelage and was his right hand man

February 4

Cityhood Anniversary

Good Friday

San Pedro Cutud Lenten Rites

The San Pedro Cutud Lenten Rites is a Holy Week re-enactment of Christ’s Passion and Death which takes place in Barangay San Pedro Cutud, City of San Fernando, Pampanga in thePhilippines.
It includes a passion play culminating with the actual nailing of at least three penitents to a wooden cross atop the makeshift Calvary.
Every year on Good Friday or the Friday before Easter a dozen or so penitents - mostly men but with the occasional woman - are taken to a rice field in the barrio of San Pedro Cutud, 3km (2 miles) from the proper of City of San Fernando, Pampanga and nailed to a cross using two-inch (5 cm) stainless steel nails that have been soaked in alcohol to disinfect them. The penitents are taken down when they feel cleansed of their sin. Other penitents flagellate themselves using bamboo sticks tied to a rope.
2008 Crucifixion
On March 21, 2008, Pampanga carpenter Ruben Enage, 47, was nailed to a wooden cross on Good Friday for the 22nd time, since his first in 1985. 25 other penitents, including two women, were nailed on wooden cross on Good Friday in San Pedro Cutud. Central Luzoncrucifixion reenactments were also held yearly, in Angeles City, Sto. Tomas, Pampanga, and in Bulacan.
The Philippines is Southeast Asia's largest Roman Catholic nation with a rich cultural heritage that is steeped in tradition. One of these Filipino practices is the observance of Lent and the Holy Week that, for Catholics, is a time for atonement and sacrifice. For Filipinos in Pampanga, the observance is characterized by the 'senakulo' or 'pabasa' which is the chanting of the passion of Christ as read from a book that locals call the Pasyon. Other penitents called 'magdarame' (flagellants) carry wooden crosses, crawl on rough pavements and slash their backs before whipping themselves to draw blood, to ask for forgiveness of sins committed, to fulfill religious vows (panata), or to express gratitude for favors granted. On Good Friday each year, in the City of San Fernando, particularly in Barangay San Pedro Cutud, thousands flock to witness the world-renowned crucifixion that is reenacted on a man-made hill after two-hour street play, Via Crucis is performed as it has been done for the past 50 years. Contrary to the Catholic Church's teachings and the commercialization of the event, the fervor for the tradition stays, with the townsfolk sticking to their faith and spiritual practice, constantly remaining pure in their panata which continues to be a source of community solidarity and strength. (Credit:
The re-enactment of Christ's crucifixion that is practiced each year in the City of San Fernando originated in 1955 with the staging of Via Crucis (Way of the Cross), the only Kapampangan piece on the passion of the Christ written by an amateur, Ricardo Navarro. It was first performed during the Holy Week (in 1955) by an amateur volunteer artists of Barangay (barrio) San Pedro Cutud, who like the rest of the Filipinos during that period, had time on their hands because work or exertion on those holy days was taboo. It was only in 1962 that the barangay first witnessed an actual crucifixion during the play. The Christ was portrayed by Artemio Anoza, a resident of nearby Apalit town and a quack doctor who dreamt that he would become a religious leader and full-fledged healer. Wanting to realize this dream, he volunteered himself to be crucified as a sacrifice. Since then, not a year passed without an actual crucifixion taking place during the re-enactment that has now been joined in by many penitents as a 'panata' or vow of sacrifice (In 2011, 24 Filipinos were nailed to the cross; the most number of crucifixions since the ritual started in 1950s). In 1965, the role players and the penitents were invited to perform the sacrifice outside the barangay, this time in Betis, Guagua. The occasion caught national interest and subsequently became an international tourist attraction. Through the years, Rolando Navarro passed on the family tradition he began to his son Ricardo and then to his grandson Allan Navarro who is the present director of the street play Via Crucis. Nowadays, more than 200 cross-bearers and some 3,000 "mandarame" (men who whip their backs with bamboo stick called "burilyos") converge in Cutud's Calvary every Good Friday.
An annual re-enactment of Christ's passion and death is done every Good Friday in Brgy San Pedro Cutud as well as in Sta. Lucia in the City of San Fernando. This dramatic re-enactment is complete with a passion play as performed by local residents and culminates at 12:00 noon with the actual crucifixion of a number of penitents on wooden crosses atop a makeshift calvary. Penitents perform their tradition in the hope of gaining favors from the Almighty. As the sun sets in late afternoon, elegant heirloom carrozas and santos are brought around the historic poblacion for the Good Friday traditional procession. On the morning of Good Friday there is a reenactment of the "Via Crucis" which is performed by local residents, fittingly clad in Roman centurion costumes and the peasants' garb of Biblical times. The reenactment starts between 10am and 11am after which the people move off to trek 4km to "Golgotha". Scores of penitents, inflicting self-flagellations using glass-spiked leather thongs on their bare backs, trail a "Christ", a Filipino penitent, who bears a heavy wooden cross during the trek. Upon arriving, the women kneel at the feet of the makeshift cavalry and wail a version of the Gospel of Seville Passion. At least five penitents per year, and sometimes more, are nailed to makeshift crosses by their hands and their feet. The agony of the spectacle brings thousands to the reenactment. It has even become something of a tourist attraction. To secularised Westerners it must appear barbaric, but for the penitents it is a way to become closer to God and the chance to truly test their faith. (Credit:
Ruben Enaje, 50, a Kampangan and a painter, gets his hands and feet nailed to a cross every Good Friday for the last 24 years. He started doing this in 1986 after surviving a fall from a building. The nailing and convergence of flagellants, cross-bearers and street play reenacting the Via Crucis (Way of the Cross) all happen on a replica of Calvary on San Pedro Cutud’s Purok Cuatro in the City of San Fernando, Pampanga. Some 30,000 to 80,000 foreign pilgrims and spectators witness this Lenten event every year.
Where before men tied themselves to the crosses after bearing these for days, faith-healer Artemio Anoza began real-life nailing in 1961 or 1962 when he played the part of Christ in the staging of the Via Crucis mounted by Ricardo Navarro that year. The play, staged first in 1955 and solely in the village, is continued by Navarro’s grandson, Allan. (Credit: Phil Daily Inquirer, April 16, 2011, by Tonette Orejas)

May 7

Jose Abad Santos Day

José Abad Santos y Basco (February 19, 1886 – May 2, 1942) was the fifth Chief Justiceof the Supreme Court of the Philippines and served as Acting President of the Philippines during World War II. He was executed by Japanese forces during the Japanese occupation of the Philippines, He is the grandfather of former Senator Jamby Madrigal.

First Saturday of May

El Circulo Fernandino

The El Circulo Fernandino is the annual reception and ball of the City of San Fernando, Pampanga to open the fiesta celebrations culminating on May 30. It is one of the most prestigious social events in Pampanga where, as in the olden days, women would flaunt their best jewelry, gowns and ternos, and men would elegantly dress in their best pina barongs, and dance the night away. El Circulo Fernandino is the oldest surviving social club in Pampanga. Formed sometime 1920, it was an organization for the social elite of San Fernando. Its precursor was the La Gente Alegre de San Fernando (The Merry Folks).
According to John Larkin in his book The Pampangans, “a new phenomenon, town and provincial social clubs, which sprang up in the early American years, demonstrated how the native upper class flourished under the new regime. These organizations, exclusively for the elite, provided among other things an opportunity for young single adults to socialize with and meet others of the same age and class.”
Larkin later mentions, “the Pampangan elite, a greater number of them emulating late nineteenth century patterns of behavior, turned their attention to peer group organizations, politics, and extra provincial activities. They resolved many if their economic and political problems by banding together into various agricultural organizations and political parties. The trend toward forming upper-class social clubs for amusement also continued. Such groups as the Young Generation in Macabebe, the Kundiman in Angeles, and the Circulo Fernandino in San Fernando were all patterned after organizations formed in the early American years.” Also worth mentioning is the fact that when the town of Santo Tomas was still part of San Fernando, the Thomasian, an organization which organized the annual Sabado de Gloria Ball, was formed. The ball is the oldest uninterrupted social event in Pampanga.
El Circulo Fernandino organized annuals balls and receptions to achieve this end. All of it however stopped as a result of the hostilities during the Second World War. After the war, the organization again resumed its social activities. But the annual receptions were halted again in 1987.
It was only in 1997 that the organization decided to revive its annual receptions under the presidency of Engr. Angelo David and Dr. Leticia Cordero-Yap. The El Circulo Fernandino Foundation, Inc. was born as a result of this revival, transforming the organization from a strictly social-status club to a socially involved organization.
As part of keeping up with Filipino traditions, the immortal dance classic, the rigodon de honor, is performed by the prominent citizens of the City, men in their best piña barongs and women in dazzling and colorful ternos.

May 30

San Fernando City Fiesta

September 10

San Fernando Women's Day

First Week of October

Piestang Tugak San Fernando Frog Festival

The San Fernando Frog Festival takes place in Pampanga in The Philippines.
As part of its aim to preserve the Kapampangan culture, the City of San Fernando, Pampanga organizes the Piestang Tugak to promote the various frog traditions of the province. Events include the paduasan – a frog catching competition using traditional methods, various culinary events featuring Pampanga's unique frog cuisine such as betute or stuffed frog, and the frog olympics – fun games for young people. The festival was conceptualized in 2003 by three Most Outstanding Kapampangan Awardees namely Ivan Anthony Henares (City Tourism Officer, City of San Fernando), Rolan Quiambao (CSFP Arts and Culture Council Chairman), and Robbie Tantingco (Director, Center for Kapampangan Studies) and has been successfully held annually ever since.

First Week of December

Sinukwan Festival

The Sinukwan Festival relives the Kapampangan spirit with a week-long calendar of cultural revivals capped by a grand street-dance parade in the streets of San Fernando, with towns outdoing each other to the tune of “Atin Cu Pung Singsing.” Organized annually by the Save Pampanga Movement, the festival memorializes Aring Sinukwan, god of the ancient Kapampangans.
Highlighting the cultural diversity of Pampanga and the week-long Pampanga Foundation Day Festivities, the annual celebration of Sinukwan Festival is held from November 29 to December 6. The event relives the spirit of the Kapampangan in honor of Aring Sinukwan, the god of ancient Kapampangans, as various events for the festival are lined up. Activities include native photo contest, cultural pageants, trade fairs of food and crafts, cultural shows, and street dancing competition.
Expect to see colorful street dancing parade, featuring huge crowd of finely dressed, ornamentally crowned Pampanga people in the streets. Through this, the observance of the event heralds the beliefs and unique culture of the Kapampangans.The celebration also showcases music, talent, and native rituals of the Kapampangans or the people of Pampanga, as contingents from the towns of Pampanga outdo each other singing and dancing the Atin Cu Pung Singsing.
Recent holdings of the Sinukwan Festival focus mostly on making the festival serve as a unifying occasion for the various sectors of the community. Security and contingency measures for participating spectators of local and foreign tourist's arrival are assured, with various non-government organizations working with the city government to ensure safety among events and activities.They were able to integrate the festival with the Pampanga Day celebration, enhancing the cultural dimensions of the yearly affair while province officials are finding ways to invite other provinces to take part in the festival, similar to Sinulog, Masskara, and Bonok-bonok, among many others.
Province officials of Pampanga are in high hopes that through the Sinukwan Festival, their vision of making Pampanga a premier tourism destination in the Philippines succeed, and see other provinces join them in celebrating, even compete in the events of the festival, letting the Kapampangans warmly share their own art and culture.
Started in December 1998 when 13 of the 20 towns of Pampanga joined the celebration, now 10 more have expressed their intention of taking part in the festival.
Recent celebration of the Sinukwan Festival include addition of activities such as the opening ceremonies of the Kalugkug Sinukwan, followed by Kapampangan Cultural Show, Sunis Ning Leguan, drum and lyre competition, Lakan Ning Sinukwan, and Parada Ning Sinukwan.

December 11

Aldo ning Kapampangan

Saturday before Christmas Eve

Giant Lantern Festival

The San Fernando lantern industry evolved from the Giant Lantern Festival of San Fernando. The festival, which is held every December, finds its roots in Bacolor where a much simpler activity was held. Following the transfer of the provincial capital from Bacolor to San Fernando in August 1904, this lantern event followed as well. "Ligligan Parol" was said to have started in San Fernando in 1904. But some say that the "Ligligan Parol" did not happen immediately after the transfer and in fact began in 1908.
This predecessor of the modern day Giant Lantern Festival was actually a religious activity which we know today as “lubenas.” The lanterns measured just two feet in diameter, a far cry from the fifteen feet that we see today. These were created in each barrio from bamboo and other locally available materials. During the nine-day novena before Christmas, which coincided with the simbang gabi from December 16 to 24, these paruls were brought around each barrio in procession to their visita. Before the midnight Mass on Christmas Eve, the lanterns were brought to the town church together with the barrio patrons.
This tradition gradually evolved as the lanterns became bigger and the designs more intricate. Later, one big lantern was made for each barrio, which was created through a cooperative effort. Each resident contributed to its construction, from the concept and design, to the materials and labor. In the end, these lanterns became a symbol of unity for the barrios.
It was in 1931 that electricity was introduced to the San Fernando lantern, thus sparking the birth of the first Giant Lantern Festival. The added illusion of dancing lights highlighted the bright colors and intricate designs of these Giant Lanterns. At this time, the lights were controlled by individual switches that were turned on and off following the beat of the music. The barangays of Del Pilar, Sta. Lucia and San Jose were among the first barangays to participate in the festival.


Places of interest

Monumento Fernandino

The monument tells the 4-fould aspect of the Fernandino story: a) the penitent girl with lantern, b) lady with torch, c) lady making the offering and d) boatman. The February 4, 2004 (dedicated by Mayor Rey B. Aquino) Monumento Fernandino is a sculptural masterpiece that pays tribute to the city's colorful history and cultural heritage. Its artistic composition when seen from a distance would seem like a sprouting plant amidst a barren landscape.

WOW Philippines Hilaga

Formerly known as the Paskuhan Village, located at the mouth of the San Fernando Toll Exit along the North Luzon Expressway, North Philippines Hilaga was transformed into a cultural, historical, tourism, trade, and entertainment village by former Secretary Richard J. Gordon in 2003. Its design and concept make it a virtual window to the cultural and historical heritage of the four regions of the North Philippines as well as a showcase for their indigenous products, and arts and crafts. The star-shaped pavilions at the center pays tribute to the skilled lantern makers of San Fernando, Pampanga which produces the biggest lanterns in the world. The complex features a 1,000-seat capacity air-conditioned pavilion for conventions and special events, an open-air amphitheater for outdoor activities, air-conditioned exhibit halls, trade booths, garden restos and an 60-seat capacity conference hall.

Bren Z. Guiao Sports Complex and Convention Center

Bren Z. Guiao Sports Complex and Convention Center is a multi-purpose complex with imposing venues for concerts, convention, basketball games, beauty pageants and other sport activities. The 3,000-seat, air-conditioned convention center inside the complex is one of Pampanga’s pride.

Archdiocesan Museum and Archives

The Archdiocesan Museum and Archives of the Archdiocese of San Fernando is housed at the University of the Assumption, and includes antiques and exquisite works of art depicting Pampanga's rich cultural heritage. It contains numerous ecclesiastical artifacts ranging from a huge churchbell to paintings; ivory and wooden statues of all shapes and sizes, vestments worn by priests during Mass and chalices, monstrances, reliquaries and ciboriums made of gold, silver and precious gems, some dating back to the 17th century.

San Fernando Heritage District

The City of San Fernando Heritage District covers the historic core of San Fernando, including Barangay Santo Rosario and parts of Barangays San Jose (Panlumacan), Santa Teresita (Baritan), Lourdes (Teopaco), Del Pilar, Santa Lucia and Santo Niño. These important sites are broken down under Heritage Houses, Historic Government Buildings, Schools, and Hospitals, and Historic Industrial Structures and Sites
Churches and Other Religious Structures:

Metropolitan Cathedral of San Fernando

The Metropolitan Cathedral of San Fernando City, Pampanga is the seat of the Archdiocese of San Fernando, Pampanga, Philippines.
In 1755 the first structure of wood and thatch was built on this site by the Augustinian friars under the patronage of San Fernando III, King ofCastile. Fray Sebastian Moreno, O.S.A. was its first cura parroco. On October 17, 1757, townsfolk petitioned the governor-general for exemptions from tribute to enable them to build the church and convent. It was transferred to the care of secular priests in 1788. The construction of the present church started during the same year under the supervision Fr. Manuel Canlas, its first secular cura parroco, and a committee composed of the principales of the town. They were led bygobernadorcillo Bernabe Pamintuan. Construction was completed in 1808. The church was rededicated to the Assumption of Our Lady.
President Emilio F. Aguinaldo and his cabinet viewed the Philippine Revolutionary Army from the windows of the convento on October 9, 1898. On orders of Gen. Antonio Luna, the Philippine Revolutionary Army burned the church and convento on May 4, 1899. It was destroyed by fire again in 1939, and later restored by architect Fernando H. Ocampo.
In 1948 the church was elevated to Cathedral when it became the seat of the Diocese of San Fernando, canonically created by Pope Pius XII. In 1975, the diocese was elevated by Pope Paul VI, to Archdiocese of San Fernando. Its first bishop was Monsignor Cesar Ma. Guerrero, D.D. He was followed by the Most Reverend Emilio A. Cinense, D.D., who became its first archbishop. He was succeeded by the Most Reverend Oscar V. Cruz, D.D. in 1978. The third and current archbishop of San Fernando is the Most Reverend Paciano B. Aniceto, D.D. Pamp
The present church may have been built by the end of the 18th century, constructed most probably by Fr. Sebastian Moreno, its parish priest in 1756, and was restored in 1808. The church measures 70m. long, 13m. wide and 11m. high. The round majestic dome rising from the rotanda of the transcept is reminiscent of the baroque style with some renaissance touch. It is the seat of the Archdiocese of the City of San Fernando, Pampanga. President Emilio F. Aguinaldo and his cabinet viewed the Phillippine Revolutionary Army from the windows of the convento on October 9, 1898.
The church and the convento were burned by the Philippine Revolutionary Army on orders of Gen. Antonio Luna on May 4, 1899. It was again destroyed by fire in 1939, and later restored by Pampango Architect Fernando H. Ocampo in 1948. It was canonically erected on June 25, 1975. The looming structure of white, beige, gray and maroon may look ancient, but both exterior and interior are relatively new, really neo-Art Noveau with faux columns.
Church of San Vicente Ferrer (Barangay Calulut)
The Church of San Vicente Ferrer is located in Calulut, City of San Fernando, Pampanga, Philippines. It was established as a parish in 1914. Originally, it encompassed 28 barangays from as far as Anao in Mexico to the east, Dolores to the south, Telabastagan to the north and a number of villages of San Fernando on the west side along what is now known as McArthur Highway.

Virgen de los Remedios Church

(Barangay Baliti) 

Jeosay Shinhongkong Temple

(Barangay San Jose)

Heritage Houses:

Hizon-Singian House

(A. Consunji Street, Barangay Santo Rosario)
The Hizon-Singian House is a heritage house located in the City of San Fernando, Pampanga. Built in 1870 by the couple Don Anacleto Hizon, gobernadorcillo of San Fernando from 1877-1879 and 1886-1887, and Victoria Singian de Miranda y de Ocampo. Inherited by their daughter Victoria Hizon y Singian who was married to Godofredo Rodriguez y Yabut from Bacolor. It was occupied during the 1896 revolution by Spanish General Antonio Ruiz Serralde, appropriated by the Japanese Imperial Army to serve as a military hospital and barracks from 1943 to 1944, and served as headquarters of American General Walter Krueger of the 6th American Army during the liberation period until the end of 1945. Inherited by their son, the late Gerry Catalino Rodriguez Y Hizon, former president of the Pampanga Sugar Development Company (PASUDECO), who was married to Aurora Angeles. This bahay na bato of the Spanish colonial period was declared a Heritage House by the National Historical Institute on 27 January 2003 by virtue of Resolution No. 4, S. 2003.

Henson-Hizon House

(V. Tiomico Street, Barangay Santo Rosario)
The house was built by the Saturnino Henson y David, gobernadorcilloof San Fernando from 1882-1883 and 1896 and the first tesorero municipal (municipal treasurer) from 1900-1902, and his wife Maria Lacson. It was inherited by their eldest daughter Juana Henson y Lacson who was married to Florentino Hizon. It was then inherited by their son Vicente Hizon y Henson who was married to Concepcion Dizon y Dayrit, then inherited by their son Vicente Hizon y Dizon who was married to Anastacia de los Reyes. The house was purchased by the couple Pablo Panlilio y Dayrit and Dolores Argüelles.
Lazatin House (A. Consunji Street, Barangay Santo Rosario)
The house was built in 1925 by the couple Serafin Lazatin y Ocampo, president of the San Fernando Electric Light & Power Company (SFELAPCO), and Encarnacion Singian y Torres. During the Second World War, it was appropriated by the Japanese Imperial Army to serve as a residence of its 14th Army Commander, General Masaharu Homma, in San Fernando, Pampanga.

Dayrit-Cuyugan House

(MacArthur Highway, Barangay Dolores)
The Dayrit-Cuyugan House is a heritage house in the City of San Fernano, in the province of Pampanga, Philippines. This ancestral house, which exemplifies the architecture prevalent during theAmerican colonial period was declared a Heritage House by theNational Historical Institute on 27 January 2003 by virtue of Resolution No. 5, S. 2003.

Consunji House

(A. Consunji Street, Barangay Santo Rosario)
The house was the residence of Antonio E. Consunji, thegobernadorcillo of San Fernando in 1892. He was removed from office by the ruling Spanish government because of his attendance whenJose P. Rizal visited the town in June of that year. He became thepresidente municipal of San Fernando during the Philippine Revolutionfrom 1898-1899

Tabacalera House

(A. Consunji Street, Barangay Santo Rosario)
The Tabacalera House is a heritage house in the City of San Fernando, Pampanga. Built by Tabacalera owned by Don Ramon Lopez. The first floor of the house served as the office of Tabacalera. The property was owned by Simeon Ocampo. During the Japanese Occupation, it was sequestered by the Japanese Imperial Army together with other residences in San Fernando, and served as the headquarters of the Kempeitai.
Hizon-Ocampo House (A. Consunji Street, Barangay Santo Rosario)
The Hizon-Ocampo House is a heritage house in the City of San Fernando, Pampanga. The first residence of Anacleto Hizon and Victoria Singian de Miranda, it has inherited by their daughter Leoncia Hizon who was married to Basilio Ocampo, gobernadorcillo of San Fernando. Among their children was renowned architect Fernando H. Ocampo.

Santos-Hizon House

(A. Consunji Street, Barangay Santo Rosario)
The turn-of-the-century Victorian-style house was built by the couple Teodoro Santos, Jr. and Africa Ventura. The house was later purchased by Maria Salome Hizon, a nurse of the Pampanga Chapter of the Philippine Red Cross during the Philippine Revolution. The property was acquired by her brother Ramon Hizon and is currently owned by the heirs of his son Augusto Hizon

Pampanga Hotel

(A. Consunji Street, Barangay Santo Rosario)
The Pampanga Hotel is a heritage house in the City of San Fernando, Pampanga. The residence of Asuncion Santos, a daughter of Don Teodoro Santos, Sr. (Dorong Tola), who married Andres Eusebio, it was the first site of the Pampanga High School when it first opened. Later became the site of the Harvardian College and the Pampanga Hotel and Panciteria, now Pampanga Lodge and Restaurant.

Archdiocesan Chancery

(A. Consunji Street, Barangay San Jose)
The Archdiocesan Chancery is a heritage house in the City of San Fernando, Pampanga. It was the former residence of Luis Wenceslao Dison and Felisa Hizon that was purchased by the Archdiocese of San Fernando, Pampanga. It is now being used as the Archdiocesan Chancery.
H Historic Government Buildings, Schools, and Hospitals:

City Hall of San Fernando

(A. Consunji Street, Barangay Santo Rosario)
The City Hall of San Fernando, Pampanga is a heritage building of the City of San Fernando,Pampanga province, Philippines. The first casa municipal was built in the present site in 1755 out of stone and thatch. It was burned by the Philippine Revolutionary Army on orders of Gen. Antonio Luna, on May 4, 1899. The building was again reconstructed in 1917 during the term of municipal president Antonio Abad Santos (under the supervision of district engineer EJ Halsema, replacing the 1874 building burned by Luna). Again burned during the Japanese invasion of the town, the municipal government was temporarily transferred to the residence of Vivencio Cuyugan in Barrio Del Pilar. After the war, the present City Hall of San Fernando was reconstructed using the original adobe stonework.
The pre-war history of San Fernando can be retraced starting from the Spanish era and short-lived revolutionary government period to the American government period. On July 17, 1754, Don Josef Bersosa, on behalf of the Augustinian cura parrocos of Bacolor and Mexico, presented a petition to Governor-General Pedro Manuel de Arandia for the creation of a new pueblo from the aid towns. In his petition, Bersosa said that the towns had grown so much in size that the former had 1,300 taxpayers while the latter had 1,600 taxpayers. As a result of this, the said priests could barely attend to the spiritual needs of such a great number of parishioners. This was also due to the great distance between the churches of Bacolor and Mexico which was three leagues away from each other through a street lined by a continuous row of houses leading from one church to the other.
The Capsule-marker was laid on January 3, 2000 at the entrance of the Municipio. San Fernando became the 99th City of the Republic of the Philippines on February 4, 2001 by virtue of Republic Act 8990. The City of San Fernando prides itself as the home of numerous personages in Philippine history, among whom include socialist leader and assemblyman Pedro Abad Santos, war hero and former chief justice Jose Abad Santos, revolutionary heroine Nicolasa P. Dayrit, poet and legislator Zoilo S. Hilario, senator and father of the concrete pavement Sotero J. Baluyut, revolutionary governor Tiburcio T. Hilario, and celebrated prewar journalist Amando G. Dayrit.
The Municipio was restored in 2003 by Mayor Rey B. Aquino.

Pampanga Provincial Capitol

(Capitol Boulevard, Barangay Santo Niño)
The Pampanga Capitol is the seat of government of the Province of Pampanga. The original building was constructed shortly after the provincial capital of Pampanga was transferred from Bacolor to San Fernando in 1904. Annexes were added before the war. It was the site of a major battle between the Philippine Commonwealth troops and local guerilla forces and the Japanese Imperial Army during World War II.
The Pampanga Provincial Capitol is one of the most beautiful civil architectural landmarks in the province.
The original provincial Capitol grounds of Pampanga in San Fernando covered an area of about 12 hectares. The Capitol was erected in 1907-1908, during the administration of Governor Macario Arnedo and no expenses were spared from making the seat of the local government, truly an attractive tourist attraction in itself.
The expansive grounds are lush with landscaping, planted with mango and acacia trees, shrubs and flowering plants. The wooded area was named Silva Park, after the late provincial treasurer of Pampanga, Isabelo de Silva, who led in the drive to beautify the Capitol surroundings.
When the age of electricity reached the province, the major lanes and walkways were lined and lit with Doric-style electric lamps; a radio system was installed to entertain the visiting public.
One of the earliest structures stands in front of the Capitol Building—a stately statue of Gen. Maximino Hizon of Mexico , the highest ranking Kapampangan officer in the revolutionary army. He distinguished himself in many battles against the Spanish and American forces during the Philippine Revoution. Captured by Americans in June 1900, he was exiled to Guam together with other war leaders on 7 January 1901 and died there on 1 Sept. 1901. The patriot is depicted in full uniform, astride a handsome steed. The statue was installed in 1919, a donation of the Kapampangan people and the provincial government. As this picture shows, the monument was favorite ‘photo opportunity’ spot for many local visitors.
In 1929, an additional attraction—the Provincial Zoological Garden—was established, featuring a rare collection of caged exotic birds and rare animals for the public to enjoy. Tourists would even stop by Pampanga to view the mini-zoo en route to Baguio. The garden complemented the several tennis courts, the bandstand or glorietta, the clubhouse and the park benches.
When San Fernando played host to the biggest spectacle of the province in 1933, the Capitol Grounds became the venue for the Pampanga Carnival Fair and Exposition. The Carnival was meant to promote Pampanga as the richest market outside of Manila, with rich limitless agricultural, commercial and industrial possibilities. Pavilions of the 21 towns of Pampanga were put up, featuring the best and finest products of each community. The fair was capped with the election of Miss Pampanga.
Visitors from all over the country left the province very much impressed after having seen the events as well as the impressive venue. After the Carnival, a Rizal Memorial Forum was erected at the site of the provincial fair, at a cost of Php 18,000.
Most of these points of interest are long gone from the Provincial Capitol grounds—some destroyed by the War, others by overzealous reconstruction and expansion projects. Only the Hizon Monument at the Arnedo Park remains, now nearly a century-old, a mute witness to the scenic wonder of the place, that once marked the hallowed grounds of Pampanga’s Provincial Capitol.


(Artemio Macalino Street, Barangay Sto. Niño)
Pampanga Provincial Jail was among the buildings built in 1907 when the property of the current Pampanga Provincial Capitol was acquired. It used to house the courts of Pampanga before serving as the Pampanga Provincial Jail.
Otherwise known as the "Presidio"located behind the provincial capitol, this building was built and designed in 1907 by William Parsons. It used to house the judicial courts of the province before it became the provincial jail. The cream-colored building with brown and green accents was the typical architecture of provincial jails during the American colonial period.
On 2011, Pampanga Provincial Jail created livelihood programs for the detainees to help augment their income, according to Edwin Hardenico, assistant jail warden, who claimed that the budget allocation for each detainee is not more than P50 per day. Livelihood involving furniture is perfect for the detainees, for Pampanga is well-known for world class furniture, he added. (PNA)
The P25-million dormitory-type facility of the Jail now provides convenience to more than 600 inmates.Provincial Warden Retired Colonel Edwin Mangaliman disclosed that the construction of a dormitory-type jail will serve as the second home of inmates and end overpopulation. Mangiliman claimed that the new building is designed to accommodate at least 1,000 inmates. “Mas malaki ang mga selda, maluwang ang hallway at parang nasa dormitory lang yung mga preso natin kapag natapos na ito,” he said. The capacity of the current jail building is only 300, but the facility has a total of not less than 700 inmates. The old jail facility will be turned over to the National Historical Commission. “Ire-restore po yata nila nila sa original structure nito. Sa kanila po kasi ito, eh,” he explained.
On November 4, 2011, 13-hour hostage drama inside the Pampanga provincial jail ended, with the suspect yielding to his sister but not after wounding two of his three hostages. Wilfredo Lorilla, 34, surrendered after Edwin Mangaliman, the provincial warden, presented the suspect’s elder sister who was fetched by policemen from San Carlos City in Pangasinan, said Senior Supt. Edgardo Tinio, Pampanga police director. The sister asked not to be named because her husband works in the military.

Provincial High School Building

(Capitol Boulevard, Barangay Santo Niño)
It was formerly known as Jose Abad Santos High School or JASHS. The current main building of Pampanga High School was completed in 1935. It follows Standard Plan No. 20 of Gabaldon schoolhouses and is currently being restored as part of the Heritage Schoolhouse Restoration Program of the Department of Education and Heritage Conservation Society. Among its graduates is former President Diosdado P. Macapagal

Pampanga High School Building

(High School Boulevard, Barangay Lourdes)
It was formerly known as Jose Abad Santos High School or JASHS. The current main building of Pampanga High School was completed in 1935. It follows Standard Plan No. 20 of Gabaldon schoolhouses and is currently being restored as part of the Heritage Schoolhouse Restoration Program of the Department of Education and Heritage Conservation Society. Among its graduates is former President Diosdado P. Macapagal

San Fernando Elementary School

(B. Mendoza Street, Barangay Santo Rosario)

Old St. Scholastica's Academy

(Pedro Abad Santos Road, Barangay Sta. Teresita)
The former building of the St. Scholastica’s Academy of Pampanga, the third Benedictine school in the Philippines. Formerly known as the Assumption Academy, it was established in June 1925 in the house of the Singian family. The first high school was eventually added. In March 1930, the first secondary graduates of the Assumption Academy were presented.
Due to the large number of enrollees, and the zeal of its biggest benefactor, Monsignor Prudencio David, the school was relocated to its second site in 1931, and ownership of the school was passed on to the Benedictine Sisters in 1938. With the outbreak of World War II, the building was used as a military hospital. In 1966, the school was renamed St. Scholastica’s Academy of Pampanga. The school was transferred to a bigger site in 1972, leaving the old building without occupants. This school is exclusively for girls only but, due to the protest of the parents of the students, now, St. Scholastica's Academy (SSA) is accepting boys but only for grade school.

Pampanga Provincial Hospital

(Barangay Dolores)
Built during the American colonial period, the Pampanga Provincial Hospital is currently part of the Jose B. Lingad Memorial Regional Hospital, which is named after the former Pampanga governor.

Virgen de los Remedios Hospital

(A. Consunji Street, Barangay San Jose)

Industrial Heritage Structures and Sites:

San Fernando Train Station

(Barangay Santo Niño)
San Fernando City station or simply San Fernando station is a defunct railway station of the PNR Northrail line of Philippine National Railways. It is situated San Fernando, Pampanga. Historically, the old PNR train station was the site of a stopping place for Filipino and American prisoners of war during theBataan death march in 1942.
The stations is a historical landmark in the City of San Fernando in Pampanga, the Philippines. The station was inaugurated by Governor-General Eulogio Despujol and Bernardino Nozaleda, the Archbishop of Manila, on February 23, 1892. José Rizal disembarked from this station on June 27, 1892 and again the next day en route to Bacolor. During the Bataan Death March in April 1942, the station served as the ending point for the 102-kilometer march from Bataan, from which Filipino and American prisoners-of-war were carted to Capas in Tarlac en route to their final destination,Camp O'Donnell. The station has been closed since the ending of northbound rail services by Philippine National Railways over twenty years ago.

PASUDECO Sugar Central

(Capitol Boulevard, Barangay Santo Niño)
The Pampanga Sugar Development Company built the first Filipino-financed sugar central in Pampanga, Philippines. It was incorporated in April, 1918.
The Pasudeco Sugar Central was finished in March, 1921, to serve as a central purchasing and processing company for the surrounding sugar plantations. Financed by the Pampanga Sugar Development Company, it was constructed by the Honolulu Iron Works. Its existence became a catalyst for the exponential growth of San Fernando, the capital of the rich sugar-producing province of Pampanga.
On July 12, 1939, two of the founders, Jose de Leon and Augusto Gonzalez, as well as Constabulary Captain Julian Olivas, were gunned down at the administrative offices of Pasudeco. At that time, de Leon and Gonzalez were the two richest men in Pampanga and the biggest Pasudeco shareholders.
PASUDECO Staff Houses and Commissary (Capitol Boulevard, Barangay Santo Niño)
In the late second decade of the 20th century, when several hectares of farmland were being developed in the two barrios of Santo Nino and San Juan of the Municipality San Fernando, Pampanga in order to build a modern sugar central and a new residential community, no one probably thought that someday a natural calamity would occur and bury the area under heavy volcanic ashes and destroy most of what would be built over the years such as concrete roads, railroads, buildings for administrative offices, warehouses, laboratories, recreational facilities and housing for the families of permanent regular employees of the sugar central. Today the site is like a forest deserted by human beings and inhabited by wild animals, birds, snakes and insects. No one seem to care to at least trim the cogon grass and shrubs growing in the area and make use of the fertile land. It is interesting to note though that many people say that it was a miracle that a religious landmark, the Shrine of the Virgin Mary (Grotto) in the north side of the Campamento Park survived the tremendous amount of water, volcanic ashes and “lahar” that flooded then most of the towns of Pampanga including the PASUDECO Compound. To some the Grotto serves as a Chapel of Silence for meditation, devotion to the Virgin Mary and praying to the Supreme Being for his bountiful blessings.

San Fernando Water Reservoir

(Barangay Lourdes)

The Sugar Pugons

(Greenville Subdivision and Barangay Quebiawan)

Calulut Train Station

(Barangay Calulut) – heavily damaged by informal settlers

Baluyut Bridge

(Gen. Hizon Avenue, Barangay Santo Rosario)

The Arcaded Shop Buildings of Consunji Street - 1950s

(Barangay Santo Rosario)
Lantern Factories - Several lantern factories can be visited in Unisite Subdivision, Barangay Del Pilar, as well as in Barangays Santa Lucia, San Jose and Dolores.



Convention Facilities/Sports Facilities

Bren Z. Guiao Convention Center

Lourdes, City of San Fernando,Pampanga
Contact Person: Mrs. Menchie Pangan
Phone (045) 961-1286/961-3225

Paskuhan Village (Hilaga,Philippines)

San Jose, City of San Fernando,Pampanga
Phone (045) 961-1894

Benigno Aquino Hall Convention

Capitol Compound, City of San Fernando,Pampanga
Phone (045) 963- 0107/961-0538

Heroes Hall Convention

San Juan, City of San Fernando,Pampanga
City Hall, City of San Fernando,Pampanga 

Bulwagan Kapampangan

High School Blvd., City of San Fernando,Pampanga
Phone (045) 963-2216


Local Restaurant

Akim Restaurant

Recommended dish(es): Fish Fillet with Soy Sauce, Fried Chicken, Chicharon Bulaklak, Chami, Atomic, Kikiam, Sisig, Burger Steak
Spending: Approximately PHP300 offer authentic Filipino-Chinese dishes that will surely ignite your appetite at very affordable prices. Gen. Hizon Ave., Sta. Lucia, City of San Fernando,Pampanga Phone (963)3228

Everybody’s Café

Opens 10:00am -9:00 pm everyday.
Budgets: Php 100-500. Payment Methods: Cash Mc Arthur Hi-way, Del Pilar, City of San Fernando,Pampanga
Phone (045) 961-7121
(045) 860-1121

Pampanga Hotel and Restaurant

Poblacion, City of San Fernando, Pampanga
Phone (045) 961-2212

K’s Diner

Opens from 10:00am- 9:00pm everyday.
Budget:Php 150 below Payment Methods: Cash.
Special Offers: Taco Salad, Fried Buritos Poblacion, City of San Fernando, Pampanga 


GSO, Dolores, City of San Fernando,Pampanga
(045)961-4008, (045)961-7171


Estimated Time: Mon: 8pm-3am, tues 6pm-12am, Wed: 9pm-11pm, Thurs&Fri: 5pm-12am, Sat&sun 9pm-1am GSO, Dolores, City of San Fernando, Pampanga

Bale Kapampangan

Buffet Lunch- php 295
Dinner Buffet- Php- Php 225 Dolores, City of San Fernando,Pampanga


Budget: Php199 below. Live music/entertainment Parking Notrhwalk I, OG Road, City of San Fernando,Pampanga (6345)479-7435

17th Avenue

Budget:Php200-499 Bands/Gigs, Parking GSO, Dolores, City of San Fernando, Pampanga (6345)961-7724
Mr. Sisig Local Restaurant GSO, Dolores Intersection, City of San Fernando, Pampanga 

Jun-Jun’s Bibingka and Chicken Barbecue

Opens from 10:00am-9:00pm everyday. Special Offers Chicken Bbq and Chopsuey, Sizzling Mushroom. Budget: Php200-500 Dolores, City of San Fernando, Pampanga Phone (045) 961- 3415

Luring’s Barbecue House

Opens daily from 10:00am-9:00pm San Juan, City of San Fernando, Pampanga
Phone (045) 961- 0515

Fortune (Hong Kong) Seafood Restaurant

Signature Dishes: Dimsum. Grilled Seafoods, seafood dishes, Seafood with Tausi, Shrimp Soimai, Steamed Seafoods. Opens daily from 10:00am-9:00pm OG Road, City of San Fernando, Pampanga Phone (045) 961-78-32, 961-7833

Holidayland and Function Rooms

OG Road, City of San Fernando, Pampanga Phone (045) 961-3667

Partyland Restaurant and Function Rooms

Reasonably priced at Php 225 – eat all you can Mc Arthur Hi-way, Dolores, City of San Fernando,Pampanga
Phone (045) 961-3667

Susie’s Cuisine

Special offer: gata, tibuk-tibok, maja (blanca and con mais), pichi-pichi (steamed cassava balls), Pancit palabok (Php40 per serving, good enough for two Mc Arthur Hi-way, Dolores, City of San Fernando,Pampanga Phone (045) 963- 9302

Fisherman’s Grill

Offers variety of dishes made from beef, pork, chicken and duck. (kaldereta, adobo, pinaupong manok, etc) Lazatin Blvd., City of San Fernando,Pampanga (045) 961-3385

Piknikan sa Villa

Lazatin Blvd., City of San Fernando,Pampanga Phone (045) 961-6550

Razon’s Halu-halo and Palabok

OG Road (045) 961-3168
B Mendoza (045) 961-2622
Robinsons Starmills 636- 3612

Dulang Restaurant

Ramar Village, San Isidro, City of San Fernando,Pampanga 

Sylvia’s Restaurant

Sindalan, City of San Fernando,Pampanga Phone 636- 4097


SM City Pampanga
City of San Fernando,Pampanga

Barrio Fiesta

Budget: Php 495 Bond with your family and friends over shanghai rice and crispy pata for 4 with 1.5 Coke (valued at P995) SM City Pampanga
(045)963-6123 to 24

Cabalen Restaurant

Fine Dining restaurants known for authentic Capampangan dishes and different Filipino Specialties, originating from Pampanga. Robinsons Starmills
Phone 636-3636


San Fernando Bayan
Tita’s Bldg
SM City Pampanga
Robinsons Starmills
Sindalan, City of San Fernando,Pampanga (045) 963- 1793/963-7150
(045) 961- 6630/961-7777
(045) 961-3023
(045) 455-8000

Congo’s Grill

David’s Tea House

SM Food Court

Gerry’s Grill


Tokyo Tokyo


Signature dishes: California Maki, Chicken Yakitiri, Japanese Springs Roll, Omurice, Shrimp Tempura, Yakisoba SM City San Fernando, Pampanga (045)963-9740
(045) 963-7681 to 85
(6345)961-6899, (045)961-6898
(045)961-1515, f: (045)875-1515, Delivery:888-1999

Dencio’s Grill

Food Court
Robinsons Starmills (045)875-1212

Greenwich Pizza

OG Road Junction 961-2818
SM City Pampanga Annex 961-3439


San Fernando Bayan
OG Road
SM City Pampanga
Robinsons Starmills
City of San Fernando,Pampanga
(045) 961-5939
961- 7744
(045) 875-1780
(045) 961- 1910
(045) 636-4263
(045) 961- 5034

Kenny Rogers

Robinsons Starmills Pampanga (045) 636-3540, (045) 636-3542


OG Road
SM City of Pampanga
(045) 961-7395
(045) 963- 7819

Mang Inasal Barbecue House

SM City Pampanga
Tita’s Bldg OG Road

Mc Donald’s

San Fernando Bayan
Dolores Junction
SM City Pampanga (045) 961-7462

Max’s Restaurant

OG Road, City of San Fernando,Pampanga Phone (045) 963-2020

Pizza Hut

Robinsons Starmills Pampanga
OG Road
City of San Fernando,Pampanga
(045) 961- 7111
(045) 961-6294

Shakey’s Restaurant

Robinsons Starmills Pampanga
(045) 963- 9436

Red Rick Show

Greenfields, Sindalan, City of San Fernando,Pampanga
(045) 636-4119

Northwalk I and 2

JASA Road, City of San Fernando,Pampanga

SHOPPING Grocery/Supermarket

City of San Fernando Public Market
Poblacion ,City of San Fernando,Pampanga

Gloria Centrum

Poblacion, City of San Fernando,Pampanga
045 961 1237

Robinsons Starmills

San Jose, City of San Fernando,Pampanga
045 875 1462
045 961 7884

RLK Shopping Center

Poblacion, City of San Fernando,Pampanga
SM City Pampanga
City of San Fernando,Pampanga
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
045 963 7681-85

Walter Mart

San Agustin, City of San Fernando,Pampanga


Poblacion, City of San Fernando,Pampanga
Dolores Junction, City of San Fernando,Pampanga


Poblacion, City of San Fernando,Pampanga
Robinsons Starmills Pampanga, City of San Fernando

GQ Supermarket

Ves Mart

AAA Grocery

Poblacion, City of San Fernando,Pampanga

Buy Maxx

Dolores Junction, City of San Fernando,Pampanga
Sindalan, City of San Fernando,Pampanga

Jomafer Supermarket

Dolores, City of San Fernando,Pampanga


Garbes-Dizon Supermaket

Juliana, City of San Fernando, Pampanga


Puregold Jr.

Dolores, City of San Fernando, Pampanga

Sunshine Superstore

Poblacion, City of San Fernando, Pampanga 

Walter Mart

San Agustin, City of San Fernando, Pampanga


Bren Z. Guiao Sports Complex

Lourdes, City of San Fernando,Pampanga
Contact Person: Mrs. Menchie Pangan
Phone (045) 961-1286/961-3225

Paskuhan Village (Hilaga,Philippines)

San Jose, City of San Fernando,Pampanga
Phone (045) 961-1894


Dolores, City of San Fernando,Pampanga
Phone (045) 961-3360

City Shuttle

Dolores, City of San Fernando,Pampanga

GNK Ballroom

Ramar Village, City of San Fernando,Pampanga

Starstruck Disco

Dolores Intersection, City of San Fernando,Pampanga


Bliss Hotel

Located at Lazatin Blvd., City of San Fernando, Pampanga
No. of Rooms:19 (+6345-961-4038/09334562755

Hotel Gracelane ( DOT Accredited)

Located at San Agustin, City of San Fernando, Pampanga

P1,900-P3,200 Unlimited Wi Fi Access on Public Areas,Fitness Center, Car Rental Services (045)9613696, 045-8606060,

Victoria Court-San Fernando (DOT Accredited)

Located at Km 73.7,Sindalan, Mc Arthur Hwy,City of San Fernando,Pampanga

Acc.No.III-M-01-09 dated January 2009 Phone (045) 961-5387, Fax (045) 961-7808
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , Website:

Villa Filipina Resort

Located at San Juan, City of San Fernando, Pampanga
Wi Fi Access Phone (045) 961-4604, (045) 4402
Fax 961-4604

Miyabe Court

Located at Lazatin Blvd., City of San Fernando, Pampanga
No. of Rooms:88
Phone (045) 961-6059, (045) 963- 3194
No. of Rooms: 88

SF Bowlesium

Located at Juliana Subd., City of San Fernando,Pampanga
Phone (045) 961-2040

Motel Tropicana

Located at Villa Barosa, Dolores, City of San Fernando, Pampanga
Phone (045) 961-2106

Paskuhan Hotel

Located at San Jose, City of San Fernando, Pampanga
Rates on request
Phone (045) 963- 5440

Lewana Lodge

Located at San Agustin, City of San Fernando, Pampanga
Phone (045) 961-2797

Pampanga Lodge and Restaurant

Located at Gen. Hizon Ave., Sto Rosario, City of San Fernando, Pampanga

Valle Verde Lodge

Located at GSO Road, San Juan, City of San Fernando, Pampanga
Phone (045) 961-5753


Villa Antonina

Baliti Road, Panipuan, City of San Fernando, Pampanga Phone (045) 861-3503
Ordinary Room(22 Hours)- 1,800.00
Deluxe Room(22 Hours)-2, 100.00
Villa(22 hours)-3,000.00 Swimming pools, Gardens, Snack bars, and Cafe

Villa Afredo’s Resort

Baliti, City of San Fernando,Pampanga
Phone (63 45) 861-0871/(63 2) 246-7003

Description Rates: Cottages - P1,000 (ordinary) P1,200 (aircon) P2,000 (2 rooms aircon) Entrance fee - P100/P50 (adult/children) Facilities: swimming pool Swimming Pool and Recreational Area

We have 6 first class differently themed swimming pools, children’s wading pool, two Jacuzzis, free wi-fi area, 24- hour cable TV, billiard tables, videokes, aviary and marine life aquarium. We have different function areas, which could cater to all occasions that could accommodate up to 350 persons.

Baliti Resort

Baliti, City of San Fernando,Pampanga

Water Splash Resort

Macabacle, Dolores, City of San Fernando,Pampanga Phone (045) 961-0697

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Swimming Pool and Recreational Area

Rhosean Resort

Baliti, City of San Fernando,Pampanga Phone (045) 860-6937 Swimming Pool and Recreational Area

Mely and Bay Dream

Telabastagan, City of San Fernando,Pampanga Phone (045) 887-2388
Nipa Hut(24 hours)—1, 500.00 Swimming Pool and Recreational Area


  • Philippine International Balloon Festival
    March 26-29 - Philippine International Balloon Festival, Lubao Philippine International Balloon Festival
  • Philippine International Hot-Air Balloon Fiesta
    February — Philippine International Hot-Air Balloon Fiesta, Clark Field Philippine International Hot-Air Balloon Fiesta
  • San Pedro Cutud Lenten Rites
    March/April (Good Friday) — San Pedro Cutud Lenten Rites (Mal a Aldo), City of San Fernando San Pedro Cutud Lenten Rites
  • San Guillermo Parish Church
    San Guillermo Parish Church, Bacolor San Guillermo Parish Church
  • Ligligan Parul
    December - Saturday before Christmas Eve — Ligligan Parul (Giant Lantern Festival), City of San Fernando Ligligan Parul
  • Mt. Arayat National Park
    Mt. Arayat National Park (Arayat) Mt. Arayat National Park
  • Mt. Pinatubo Crater Lake
    Mt. Pinatubo Crater Lake (Pampanga/Tarlac/Zambales) Mt. Pinatubo Crater Lake
  • Mount Arayat
    Mount Arayat Mount Arayat
  • Philippine International Balloon Festival
  • Philippine International Hot-Air Balloon Fiesta
  • San Pedro Cutud Lenten Rites
  • San Guillermo Parish Church
  • Ligligan Parul
  • Mt. Arayat National Park
  • Mt. Pinatubo Crater Lake
  • Mount Arayat