Philippine Delegation to the 30th Anniversary of the Training Program for Young Leaders and 27th AJAFA-21 Executive Council Meeting with the theme “Strengthening ASEAN-JAPAN Partnership: Building Cooperative Relationship” held at Tokyo, Japan recently. (L-R) Mayor Loreto Yu, Alangalang, Leyte; Professor Zenaida Confesor; Cris Reyes, JICA-Phil; Evengeline Lawas, JAAP president; Elizabeth Baybayan, PSWDO-Pampanga; Professor Nico Garcia; and Dr. Florante Lateo Jr., Central Bank of the Philippines (not in photo). —Jun Jaso
Philippine Delegation to the 30th Anniversary of the Training Program for Young Leaders and 27th AJAFA-21 Executive Council Meeting with the theme “Strengthening ASEAN-JAPAN Partnership: Building Cooperative Relationship” held at Tokyo, Japan recently. (L-R) Mayor Loreto Yu, Alangalang, Leyte; Professor Zenaida Confesor; Cris Reyes, JICA-Phil; Evengeline Lawas, JAAP president; Elizabeth Baybayan, PSWDO-Pampanga; Professor Nico Garcia; and Dr. Florante Lateo Jr., Central Bank of the Philippines (not in photo).