PCPC allots P40-million for children’s rights and protection

CITY OF SAN FERNANDO – The Provincial Council for the Protection of Children (PCPC) allocated a total of P40, 071, 764.9 for the year of 2018 on the programs and projects related to children’s rights and protection.

In the PCPC meeting conducted recently at the Executive House, Capitol Compound, Barangay Sto. Niño, here, the said budget will fall under the children’s survival rights, development rights, participation rights, protection rights and for the Local Council for the Protection of Children (LCPC).

Under the survival rights, a total of P7, 593, 382.45 was allocated which will fall for the services for children like financial aid, food, and non-food provision, conduct of nutrition surveillance and provision of micronutrient supplementation, case finding – operation timbang of pre-schoolers, purchase of additional weighing scale and medicines.

Provision of basic laboratory and blood test to pre-schoolers, purchase of different vegetables and seedling trays and lastly, oral hygiene or fluoride application to day-care children were also under the survival rights of children.

For the developmental rights, a total of P5, 455, 000 was allocated for the community-based milk supplementation, construction of child development centers, regular meeting of stakeholders or committees and program review, provision of training, seminars or orientations related to children’s programs and services to stakeholders and service providers.

Special advocacy and counseling center for children and youth, training of trainers for service providers and volunteer counselors, learning package for parent education on adolescent health & development, fora on adolescent sexual reproductive health children were also under the developmental rights.

It also includes values enhancement program for recovering drug dependent minors and parents, orientation on laws and issuances for children, Facilitators Training of per ‘USAPAN’ sessions, training or seminar for stakeholders handling

Meanwhile, a total of P3, 550, 000 was allocated for the participation rights of the children and the programs and projects were literacy service (storytelling, national children’s book reading day, national intellectual disability week) library playground or mobile library, advocacy, special events, information, education and communication, children’s month celebration, child development workers assembly and provincial 4H achievers day.

Regarding on the programs for children’s protection rights, a total of P850, 000 was allocated and the projects include operational expenses, equipment, and materials needed for the women and child protection units and medico-legal interventions, gasoline expenses, and monitoring services.

Honorarium for doctors conducting medico-legal services and court appearance to testify findings, construction of bahay pag-asa for children in conflict with the law, conduct of training, seminar, training of trainers, symposiums to stakeholders and service providers in relation to the protection of children such as children in emergencies, cybercrimes, child pornography, and other related laws were also under the program for protection rights of children.

A total of P22, 623, 382.45 was allocated for the PCPC this year for the improvement and promotion of children’s rights in Pampanga.

The meeting was attended by PCPC members and was led by Atty. Andres S. Pangilinan Jr, CAPIN chairman, and First District Representative Cherry Manalo, chairperson of the committee on women and family.

By: Leslie Anne Mahusay



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