CITY OF SAN FERNANDO, Pampanga – The Pampanga Mayors’ League (PML) led by its President, Minalin Mayor Edgardo Flores, vowed to give their ‘utmost’ support to the proposed constitutional reform carried out by the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) and other line agencies of the government.
Mayor Flores said the PML will take an active participation in this move to change some provisions of the Constitution for the benefit not only of the province but also of the whole country.
“We would initiate efforts and actively participate in the activities geared towards reforming the present Constitution of the country,” Flores pledged.
This came as all city and municipal mayors and their respective representatives signed a ‘Pledge of Commitment’ during the Town Hall Meeting on Constitutional Reform (CORE) held on Tuesday at Kingsborough International Convention Center here.
Under the said commitment, the Pampanga local chief executives pledged to become an active ‘partners’ of the DILG in upholding and advocating the promise of Constitutional Reform in the country as pushed by the Center of Federalism and Constitutional Reform (CFCR).
During the event, the local chief executives and other government officials in the province were also oriented about the proposed amendments on some parts of the 1987 Constitution.
The message sent by DILG Secretary Eduardo Ano to the attendees, states that it’s high time for the government to change the ‘outdated’ Constitution to further address the welfare and well-being of the Filipino people.
“For the past 32 years, we have seen defects of the 1987 constitution. Constitutional Reform offers us the opportunity to change the course of our country by addressing social ills like corruption, unemployment, and regional income inequality,” Ano said in a video message.
It was learned that the Constitution was enacted 32 years ago but no revisions or changes had been done since then.
Myrvi Fabia, provincial director of DILG Pampanga explained the need to adopt the proposed constitutional reforms, attuned to the needs of the time.
“Undoubtedly, change is hard but Constitutional Reform is the change that we need to further improve and maximize our services to the people,” Fabia elaborated.
On behalf of the Governor, Attorney Gerome Tubig, provincial legal officer assured everyone that the provincial government is supportive of the proposed constitutional reforms.
“I want to assure everyone that we have our Governor’s support. He is one with us in our endeavor of catapulting Pampanga to the top,” the provincial legal officer said.
CoRe is part of DILG’s three-day roadshow campaign that aims to showcase the strong features of the proposed Constitutional Reform and receive feedback or insights from the public and further encourage community participation.
Prior to this event, a media briefing on constitutional reform was also held to further inform various media outlets in the province about the current stand of the government regarding the said matter.
CoRe campaign highlighted four pillars as follow: Pagyamanin ang Probinsya, Paluwagin ang Metro Manila; Goby

PLEDGE OF COMMITMENT SIGNING. DILG Provincial Director Myrvi Apostol-Fabia and PML President Mayor Edgardo Flores lead the pledge of commitment signing in the Town Hall Meeting on Constitutional Reform (CORE) on November 26.