Guv urges execs to continue join hands vs illegal drugs

Governor Lilia “Nanay” Pineda urges officials, delegates and representative from various national and local agencies and foundations to continue the war against drugs at the Central Luzon Anti-Dangerous Drug Summit in Royce Hotel. (Photo by: Jun Jaso, PIO)

Clark Freeport – Governor Lilia ‘Nanay’ Pineda renewed her call to the local officials, executives of front line agencies to continue join hands in the fight against illegal drugs and unceasingly support President Rodrigo Roa Duterte in the war against drug menace. 

This was the message of the governor during the “Central Luzon Anti Dangerous Drug Abuse Summit: Early Wins on the War against Drugs” held yesterday at Royce Hotel, in this Freeport. 

Facing the officials, delegates and representative from various national and local agencies and foundations, Pineda pressed them to continue the administration’s unrelenting campaign to combat illegal drugs nationwide. 

During the summit, the alarming increase of drug surrenderers in the country was addressed that reached more than one million drug surrenderers before the end of January this year. 

Pineda recalled that she was moved by the words of the President at the Governor’s League in Malacañang where he personally asked them to support his crusade in fighting illegal drugs. 

“I think, President Duterte is the only person now that has utmost concern to the Philippines. We should also do our part as government officials to support him in this campaign so the sooner he can focus to other equally important matters that will benefit us all,” Pineda added. 

Pineda was pleased that the very first regional summit was hosted by Pampanga since anti~illegal drug campaign of President Rodrigo Duterte.

Ma. Reina Len Luna


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