Gov Launches Nabuclod Project; Distributes Goodies, Food Items to Aetas

The idyllic Aeta community of upland Barangay Nabuclod in Floridablanca town was virtually transformed into a beehive of festive activities as Governor Lilia G. Pineda led hundreds of provincial capitol officials and employees in delivering basic services and commodities to its settlers.

Pineda said that various development activities were initiated and conducted as part of the Nabuclod project which aimed to provide sustainable development to the Aeta community, one of the first areas affected by the Mt.Pinatubo eruption 20 years ago.

The governor arrived as early as five o’clock in the morning at the Aeta community and immediately led the group in grooming the Aeta kids by providing them with sponge bath, new set of clothes, footwear and hair cut.

The chief provincial executive, with the assistance of the board members, also headed the distribution of assorted grocery items to the 752 families of barangay Nabuclod.  Close to 1,000 families in nearby barangays of Camachile and Mawacat also received their share of relief goods.

More so, various kitchen utensils and bedding materials such as cooking wares, pail, dipper, mats, mosquito nets including slippers and drinking water were also distributed to the target beneficiaries.

The provincial social welfare development office headed by Elizabeth Baybayan facilitated the distribution of material goods and food items to the beneficiaries while provincial nutrition action officer Rose Butiu coordinated the feeding of both young and adult Aetas.

The project launching also saw the blessing of the newly-completed view deck and Aeta model village.

The governor also acknowledged 15 Aeta students whose acrylic art works were put on exhibit at the view deck.

These students were all beneficiaries of the KulArt project of the provincial government implemented through the Public Employment Service Office (PESO), the Art Association of the Philippines- Pampanga chapter and the Alternative Learning System (ALS) of the Department of Education (DepEd).

Luningning Vergara said that the project aimed to provide livelihood opportunities to the Aeta beneficiaries who recently completed two-day training on acrylic painting, silk screening and wood and stone sculpting.

Vergara said that the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) Pampanga Office headed by Rima Hernandez has also committed to provide financial assistance to the young artists under its starter kit livelihood program.

Meanwhile, Provincial Cooperative and Entrepreneurial Development Officer (PCEDO) Mamerto Gatus said that together with the Office of the Provincial Agriculturist (OPA), livelihood skills training on production of Christmas decorations and fashion accessories using indigenous raw materials will be conducted for other sectors in the community.

“As Nabuclod is being developed into an eco-tourism area, we are providing the residents with livelihood opportunities which would attract local and foreign tourists,” Gatus said as he added that qualified beneficiaries will be provided with financial loan assistance of P5,000.00 each under the Negosyo king Panyulung Program (NPP).

The provincial veterinary office dispersed ten native piglets to some barangay officials of Nabuclod.

The festive project launching aptly culminated with a cultural street dance participated by the locals, the governor and board members. (Pampanga PIO)