22-2045 for 1 unit 1.5HP Wal Mounted Inverter (Service Room), etc. 22-2028 for 100,000 pcs Used Empty Sacks (Slightly Used) for Sandbagging operations use (PDRRMO) 22-1851 for 6 pcs. Tires,…


22-0369 To supply labor, materials and necessary equipment for the                Rehabilitation Improvement of Mexico and San Luis Road (San                Antonio Section, Mexico and San Carlos Section, San Luis)…

Request for Quotation

22-2634 Couldron etc Scan2022-07-22_164630Download 22-2569 Plastic Drum etc Scan2022-07-22_164551Download 22-2612 Bushing suspension spring etc Scan2022-07-22_164515Download

Bid Documents

ITB 44 PR NO. 22 2388 PEO Compound Sindalan CSFP ITB-44-PR-NO.-22-2388-PEO-Compound-Sindalan-CSFPDownload ITB 44 PR NO. 22-2439 Sto. Nino San Simon ITB-44-PR-NO.-22-2439-Sto.-Nino-San-SimonDownload ITB 46 Re-bidding PR No. 22-0916 1 lot 65…

Request for Quotation

22-1530 To Supply of labor, materials and necessary equipment for the construction/improvement of storage at lower portion of ground floor stair and toilet cabinet at 3rd floor of legislative bldg.…

Invitation to Bid

22-1760 - Supply and Delivery of 10,000 packs of powdered milk and oatmeal. 22-0916 - 1 Lot Supply and Delivery of 65 kw Grind Tied Solar System (Re-bidding) 21-3639 -…

Notice of Award

22-2104(H2) 1 UNIT Digital Black & White Multifunction Printer (Copier Machine) 22-1706 1 lot Dedicated Internet Connection (Installation Fee) 22-2130 600 pax ¼ Roasted Chicken w/ 1 regular Side Dish…

Notice of Proceed

22-1393 To supply labor, materials and necessary equipment for the Construction/Improvement of Service Road of the Provincial Government Center at San Roque, Mexico Pampanga. 22-0867   To supply labor, materials and…

Request for Quatation

22-2527 Micronutrients Supplementation 22-2527Scan2022-07-19_104446Download 22-2498 Fertilizer 22-2498Scan2022-07-19_104355Download 22-2450 For use in operation, escorting PDL, gates cells of PDL etc Scan2022-07-19_103621Download 22-2521 1 unit digital repeater antenna and portable radio Scan2022-07-19_104145Download…