5,653 SPES beneficiaries receive P42.9-M

City of San Fernando- Some 5,653 beneficiaries of Special Program for the Employment of Students (SPES) received a total of P42,962,800 cash incentives from the Provincial Public Employment Service Office (PESO) in 2016.

SPES is an annual program implemented by the provincial government in partnership with the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) to provide opportunities for college students and out of school youths (OSYs).

According to PESO Manager Luningning Vergara, the program allows the students to gain experience and at the same time earn money for their tuitions.

The SPES programs aims to support poor but deserving students in pursuing their education by providing income through employment during summer and/or Christmas vacations.

Under the SPES program, a total of 129 skills training were conducted by PESO in the same year.

PESO has also conducted skills and entrepreneurship orientation to 3,535 undergraduates in partnership with different agencies for enhancement and retooling activities before undergoing series of interviews and screening to various locators.

Skills training offered by PESO includes bartending, welding, housekeeping, cosmetology, sewing, consumer electronics and commercial cooking.



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