Request for Quotation

22-4128 Termite Interception and Baiting Services 224128Download 22-4217 Advocacy T-shirts red cotton round neck (Adult) 224217Download 22-4251 Desktop Computer with Printer, etc. 224251Download 22-4247 PMTC Trainees Uniforms 224247Download 22-4266 AM…

Request for Quotation

22-4222 Upright Freezer 11 cubic fee, etc. 224222Download 22-3532 Digital Multitester, etc. 2235321Download 22-3409 Digital Multi-Function Copier Machine 2234091Download 22-4178 Meal Package 224178Download 22-4218 AM snacks, etc. 224218Download 22-4132 Resealable…


22-3672 For Mitsubishi Long Rosa 2006 w/ plate no. SHG-228. 22-3682 Meals for various activities from October-December 2022. 22-3682 Meals for various PESO activities from October-December 2022. 22-3682 Meals for…


22-3712 To supply labor, materials and necessary equipment for the Construction of Oxygen Storage Room at DPMMH. 22-2855 To supply labor, materials and necessary equipment for the Construction of Waste…


22-2781 To sopply labor, materials and necessary equipment of the Upgrading /Concreting of Barangay Pathways at Brgy. Bulacus, Masantol, Pampanga. 22-2476 To suppy labor, materials and necessary equipment for the…

Bid Documents

ITB-67-PR-No. 22-3369 Supply-Delivery-of-33-units-GARBAGE-DUMP-TRUCK ITB-67-PR-No.-22-3369-Supply-Delivery-of-33-units-GARBAGE-DUMP-TRUCKDownload ITB-67-PR-No. 22-4087 Supply-Delivery-of-FROZEN-HOTDOG-WHOLE-CHICKEN ITB-67-PR-No.-22-4087-Supply-Delivery-of-FROZEN-HOTDOG-WHOLE-CHICKENDownload ITB-68-PR-NO. 22-4109 Camias-Porac ITB-68-PR-NO.-22-4109-Camias-PoracDownload ITB-68-PR-NO. 22-4056 Cambasi-Masantol ITB-68-PR-NO.-22-4056-Cambasi-MasantolDownload ITB-68-PR-NO. 22-3687 Camachile-Floridablanca IB-68-PR-NO.-22-3687-Camachile-FloridablancaDownload ITB-68-PR-NO. 22-4107 Sta.-Cruz-and-Balantacan-Lubao ITB-68-PR-NO.-22-4107-Sta.-Cruz-and-Balantacan-LubaoDownload ITB-67-PR-No. 22-3588 SUPPLY-DELIVERY-INSTALLATION-OF-31-AIR-CONDITIONING-UNITS ITB-67-PR-No.-22-3588-SUPPLY-DELIVERY-INSTALLATION-OF-31-AIR-CONDITIONING-UNITSDownload


22-2513 Supply Delivery and Installation of 2 units Flexibles Plastic Skate Wheel Conveyer & 1 set Automatic Weighing & Packing Machine. NTP-NOV-17-2Download

Health Mission

HEALTH MISSION. Vice Govenor Lilia “Nanay” Pineda and Second District Board Member Mylyn Pineda-Cayabyab lead “Alagang Nanay Preventive Healthcare Program” held at Lubao Municipal Gym on November 15. A total of…