23-2060 For various district hospitals (DALDH, JSLDH, MDH, RPRMH- Bulaon, ECCMH, RPDH & SLDH) use for three (3) moths
22-4176 For Prov’l Budget Office Use.
22-4694 For the use of PTO (License & Fees Division)
22-4274 For the newly renovation main building – DPMMH use.
22-4526 Supplies & materials for beneficiaries ID card of PWDs
22-4571 For the use of PDLs w/ medical conditions & for maintenance.
22-4582 Tools, materials, equipment for the repair & maintenance of facility at PSTC, FNAS, Pabanlag, Floridablanca, Pampanga.
22-4719 For DPMMH Dialysis center & Lubao Isolation Facility.
22-3378 Repair & maintenance of Foton Traveller Ambulance 2014 w/ plate no. SHK-356.
22-4145 Supply & Installation of Air-conditioning Units for Governor’s Office & Executive House.